Parents » Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities


PURPOSE: This policy shall: (1) ensure that prospective volunteers are properly vetted and approved annually; (2) ensure that volunteers do not pose undue risk to the health and safety of CPS students and (3) make clear that CPS Principals are responsible for ensuring that volunteers are properly vetted and approved in advance and that approved volunteers are properly supervised while serving as volunteer. (Effective August 22, 2018)


NOTE: For more information about the Board Policy refer to the Volunteer Programs Handbook. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the CPS Volunteer Programs team at 773-553-1544, email [email protected], or reach out to Hawthorne's volunteer coordinator at [email protected]


There are two types of volunteers to start the application process for either level, please fill out the application at  and give your ID to the main office so we can make a copy.


Frequently asked questions about each level:



Level 1


Level 2

What volunteer opportunities does this level cover?


·        Field Trips in which you are taking a group of students on your own (out of the teachers line of sight)

·        A parent or guardian volunteering over ten hours a week

·        Any individual or non-parent volunteering over 5 hours that does not have a child enrolled at

the school

·        Any parent or individual attending an overnight trip

·        Anyone that will have one-on-one contact with a student

·        All Volunteer coaches

·        All Tutors (Virtual Tutors included)

·        All Mentors

·        Field Trips in which the entire class is in one location (like to a play in which the entire class sits together)

·        Guest speaker at events or assemblies

·        Serving as an Academic Judge for competitions

·        Corporate volunteers

·        A parent volunteer under ten hours a week in the school

·        An individual volunteering under 5 hours a week that does not have a child enrolled at the school


How long does the application take to be approved?

It takes up to five weeks AFTER the TB test results and fingerprints have been done and submitted

Up to 72 hours AFTER submitting your ID to the office

What do I need to do to get approved?

A complete guide that outlines this process is below, but in order to get approved you will need to

-Fill out the application online

-Submit your ID to Hawthorne

-Get fingerprinted through the CPS vendor

-Get a TB test done

-Send the results of the fingerprinting and TB test to [email protected]

A complete guide that outlines this process is below, but in order to get approved you will need to

-Fill out the application online

-Submit your ID to Hawthorne


How much does it cost?

Fingerprinting is free and must be done using the CPS vendor. TB testing is arranged and paid for by the volunteer.

There is no cost associated with this volunteer process.


Official Process for Level 1 Volunteer

Volunteer 1


Official Process for Level 2 Volunteer


Volunteer 2