7th Grade:

Quiz 1 Chapter 13.
Good morning everybody!  The quiz is on the chat.  Set up a private chat between you and I so you can submit all work as well as assessments there.  It will allow me to keep everything organized and all work will be dated and time stamped.  I have been answering many many emails and I want you all to get full credit for your work.  I dont want o miss something if you put effort into completing it.
Have a great day.  
Hey everyone.  Section 13.4 is the assignment for today.  It can be found in the class chat.  The notes are also posted in the chat as well.  I will have your quizzes complete as soon as I can.  Have a great day!
March 25.
I posted notes for 13.5 this morning in our chat.  Please copy them down and look over the section in the book.  Tomorrow we are scheduled for a 930 Zoom class.  I will teach 13.5 and we will have question /answer exchange.  We will do practice problems together and then I will assign the daily work.  Hopefully you are all well.  Check the Chat. 
March 26
Zoom meeting code 76-7522-315
Daily work assignment March 30.
Page 744 3-13 Page 745 20-22
Good morning! Good job on the homework for Day 1. You do not need to show me the notes just the WORKED out homework. Today’s homework won’t have as much computation. 
I am checking Khan for any changes grades today. And then locking in the scores.
try to get your homework in on time(330). If there is an issue email me.i am going to start submitting homework grades daily on ASPEN.
be great! Be kind!